• Writings

    Triple Femdom Party

    Now is the time that you have been waiting for!!!

    Mark this date and time on February 22th Saturday at 14:00 – 16:00. A two hours of using your body, mind and soul to fulfill OUR pleasures. Only in Maison De Debauch Edinburgh EH7

    Femdom triple party for different fetishes with our exquisite visitor Mistress Ava Black together with Mistress Inka and Myself Mistress Charlyn.

    A tribute for only £150, Email to book and arrange tributes:

    ava@strictblackmistress.com – https://x.com/MissAvaBlack
    missinka@icloud.com – https://x.com/mistress_inka
    charlyn.mizz@gmail.com – https://x.com/MistressCharlyn
  • Reviews

    Impact Review from Mr A

    Thank you for an amazing double domme session this afternoon. As soon as I became aware you were going to be available at Mistress Scarlet’s. I had to request a session and I am still buzzing from the experience. I was a little nervous before arriving but very quickly I felt calm and relaxed. Double domme sessions have a different dynamic from single domme sessions and seem more challenging since one gets a rest when the other is using whatever implement is chosen!

    I have had a number of double domme sessions but never one for as long. I knew that there is an incredible selection of implements at Mistress Scarlet’s and it was clear a lot of them were going to be used on me. You had both taken time to look absolutely stunning whereas I just needed to arrive and strip! I felt very comfortable naked in front of you probably because I was so relaxed in your presence.
    Once hooded and restrained over the bench it was not long before I knew you were starting to enjoy yourselves. Quite soon I was beginning to feel the heat and pain from the implements you were using. I have not been hooded before but apart from not being able to see what you had chosen to use next it is something I would do again. Given the amount of time we had I knew I should ask to be secured to the St Andrews Cross after the filming had been completed. If possible I would like to be able to view the filming so that I can see what was happening while I was unable to do so.
    Some of the implements which you chose when I was on the cross were really challenging especially the leaded strap and the three layer QC tawse which was very painful and would be brutal if administered much harder. The prison strap was hard as were the paddles.
    I needed a break at that point before being restrained again over the bench to be caned. Mistress Scarlet’s bench is my favorite and some of the hardest CP and caning has been while over it. She has a great selection of canes and you were quickly striping my bum with them. Of all the implements canes are my favorite. Every cane has a very different feel from whippy and very stingy right up to heavy and thuddy.
    All of them are painful and some are very severe. I have no idea how many strokes were administered but it certainly was in the hundreds. Being caned from both sides is very unusual and the backhand strokes were difficult to endure especially when administered quickly. I will improve my endurance to be able to take them for longer. When you both spaced the strokes out I found myself going deep into the zone. Once I am there I can endure a lot more and you ensured that I had to.
    If I had not known you had not sessioned together before I would never have guessed. We were all smiling long before the end and that only happens when we are all in the right headspace. For me it is very important that my Mistress enjoys herself as much as me.
    I can honestly say today with you was the best double domme session I have ever had. If the opportunity arises again and I hope it does I will be back for more. I have complete trust in both of you and that will allow me to go further next time.
    Enjoy the rest of your stay Mistress Kali and thanks once again to both of you.
  • Writings

    Quick Trip

    Been to London for a quick trip, yes I don’t need to advertise if I am going to a place to see or travel with one of My personal slaves/sissies, you may stumble Me from a train station or actually inside the train. If you’re serious about having some real time sessions and you’re so far away, I do actually travel to see you, once agreed with all My terms and conditions and specially everything is paid upfront. It’s always on My terms or else no meeting at all, I wouldn’t bother to waste My precious time for your existence if you wank around and ghost Me. So what are you waiting for? Don’t be afraid and email now with respect only! Discreteness is one of the main factors of My trips and sessions. In order for you to be who you are and embrace your true colors, especially sissy colours! Just contact Me. 

  • Writings

    Corporal Punishment Night

    Join us for an exhilarating night at Corporal Punishment Night! On Saturday 24th of February 6 pm – 8 pm. Experience a thrilling blend of discipline and daring as we push boundaries. Whether you’re a curious novice or a seasoned enthusiast, this event guarantees an unforgettable evening. Don’t miss out on the excitement, book your spot now here EVENTBRITE. Only in Maison De Debauch Edinburgh EH7 together with Mistress Inka, Mistress Sunny, and Alice Snow, of course, Myself!

  • Writings

    Testimonial from A


    When I saw a retweet of a tweet by you looking for a masochist for a session/filming I knew I had to send you a message. When you replied and asked to see me I was excited but also a bit nervous. A Mistress looking for a masochist is going to play hard so I knew you were going to inflict severe pain.
    Yesterday I was anxious and nervous about our first session. However, I was excited at the prospect of submitting it to you. As soon as you let me into the Maison de Debauche and I met you I felt calm and relaxed.
    You had laid out your chosen implements but I decided to select some others from the large selection available. One in particular I knew would be severe and you looked delighted at my choice.
    Stripped and restrained over the bench I pondered my fate. You have a very warm personality but deep down I knew you were a sadist. To be considered for filming I was going to have to pass your audition. Instead of the casting couch, I was on the casting bench with no means of escape. Being restrained is my preference and probably always will be.
    Although I am experienced, the first session with a Mistress is a journey into the unknown. And yesterday was no exception.
    I knew from the start you knew what you wanted and how you were going to achieve it. During any first session, I have to trust my Mistress and believe I can take the punishment I am about to receive.
    After a brief warm up you selected one of your chosen canes and started to land rapid strokes. Individually they were not particularly hard but when strokes keep landing on the same small area in rapid succession pain builds very quickly. I felt relieved when you put the cane down but then I noticed you had picked up the multi-tailed flogger I had selected and which I knew would be severe. The first lash almost took my breath away as the wicked strands of leather bit into my bum quickly followed by subsequent lashes that really challenged me. You knew you were hurting me but you did not ease up until you decided to give me a little much-needed respite.
    You have the ability to administer implements hard from both sides which means that both bum cheeks receive more or less equal attention. Few Mistresses can do that.
    Once into your stride, you relished in administering sets of each implement you picked up which consisted of ten strokes from each side so twenty in total. Each stroke was now hard and I found at times I was at risk of clenching which is a surefire sign of intense pain. I was struggling but both of us were by now totally in the zone. Once there I can keep taking pain and rely on my Mistress knowing when to stop.
    At one point I asked to see a photo you had taken and knew I could take a lot more although did not tell you that then. You did give me some short breaks showing you do care for your slaves and that demonstrates I can trust you. When trust is established we can and will go further in the future. The prospect really excites me.
    When I thought you might be about finished you knelt down beside me and put your arm around me to ask how I was. I knew you wanted me to take more and I could not refuse when I saw your beautiful smile. There was no option but to smile back and agree to continue. You then told me because my birthday is the 3rd of April I would be given three further sets in other words sixty strokes I knew I could take them and I wanted them but they were the most difficult yet with the cane and severe flogger biting even harder than before. Even then you were not finished. I was by now bleeding a lot and could feel the spray and splatter after every stroke which turned both of us on.
    The first sessions do not come any better. You may be a sadist but you are also a beautiful smiling and caring person. Next time filming I hope.

    Your CP slave
